Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Food Porn on Twitter...

Way too many contradictions for me--A follower on Twitter posted the following bio:
"Get weight off fast with the appetizer diet cookie!" There is NO way!!! One bite of that flour/sugar combination (even if it is "organic" and/or natural or artificial)and off I go to the food addict "crack house", which for me is any grocery store or restaurant. Appetizer? It would be my breakfast, lunch, dinner AND snacks for days (in addition to a bunch of flour/high-fat protein items)!

A number of "Tweeters" LOVE to talk about food. No, that's an understatement. There are THOUSANDS of Twitter-lovin' foodies who dream in luscious epicurean tongue-stimulating panaromas, wake up in the throes of horn-a-plenty climax, then wax orgasmal about the experience in 140 characters or less. I call it food porn 101, although they're actually teaching graduate level courses. The title for top gastro-pornographer? @CBCebulski, art editor for Marvel comics. The rest of the @Marvel staff comes in at a pretty close second place, especially @AgentM, whose blog is titled "Agent M Loves Tacos"!

Not a great place for a recovering food addict to be sometimes. But there's always other things to talk about that don't trigger my food addictive brain. But those can become troublesome, too. I'm discovering that I'm transferring my addiction from food to Twitter. (SIGH) It never ends.

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